Medical Education should be a concern of every medical student as it shapes not only the quality of future doctors but also the quality of healthcare. The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) has a dedicated organ which aims to implement an optimal learning environment for all medical students around the world, the Standing Committee On Medical Education (SCOME). Through all our joint efforts we work to create sustainable changes around the world, for ourselves as medical students, for the generations to come and for our future patients and our communities who are in fact the final beneficiaries of our education.



SCOME is a platform that creates a shared environment where medical students contribute, reflect, and work on the development of Medical Education through student-led activities. SCOME enables medical students to reach their full potential as Medical Education leaders through activities aimed at education, research, capacity development, meaningful youth engagement and, advocacy in order to create an effective impact on a local, national, regional, and international level.


Medical students are meaningfully engaged within their respective Medical Education Systems and represent student voice in issues regarding Medical Education as full-fledged stakeholders on all levels in order to create quality Medical Education worldwide and attain suitable competencies which will enable them to answer the healthcare needs of communities they have a mandate to serve.